Friday 17 June 2011


Yay People! Project 3 is done. The presentation is done. And now, I  have officially finished the unit DAB510! I'm going out to party now.....

Wednesday 15 June 2011





My vision of HSW is primarily to showcase the beauty of the natural environment. Fields of Grass and natural life, Park Grounds, small shops and cafes, as well as the placement of Science Centre, would definitely effectively promote this site as a family-friendly location - and a landmark to which draws in locals, non-locals, and tourists.


When visiting the site, the user feels a sense of tranquility by the natural environment and landscape that surrounds the HSW Science Centre


When approaching the HSW Science Centre, the visitor is taken on an instant journey - as soon as see people movement in the building


At the entry of the HSW Science Centre the visitor is exposed to the grandness of the building in which protrudes from the ground.




Floor Plans level 1-3


Floor plans level 4-6


View from Cliff top level


Rooftop Cafe view






Thursday 9 June 2011

Progress thus far??

hmmmm..... I thought I should post up something yeah - show my progress right???
So, I used SketchUp to model my building, and used SU podium plug-in for the render... and to finish it off I pulled out my handy dandy photoshop skills to give a bit more texture to the image...

Again this image illustrates my idea of sites natural elements (the cliff) acting as the driving force for my design and masterplanning.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Building Function diagrams

As discussed in project 2, instead of using text to describe the function of a science centre - rather use diagrams.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Trellis Trellis Trellis... architecture...

Oh Boy, designing the trellis or "mesh facade" of the building has been a killler! I've just finished designing it on sketch up now, its a little different from my original design, but in saying that Its still organic and fluid-like in its shape and still achieves the same purpose of acting as the "roots" to the building. I will post up an image soon, but for now, here's some inspiration for my trellis design....

Sunday 29 May 2011

The Module

To Differentiate the 3 sections of the building 
- The Ground level Foyer Modules-
-The Exhibit Modules-
-Cafe Cliff Entry Level-

Through the use of different external cladding
- Red Corrugated long run -
-Acrylic-coated polyester panels-
-Stained farmed Pone cladding- 
Sliding/Folding wall panels on both side walls of the module will allow the module to be opened/closed Transforming the size of the exhibit spaces. 

Researching Prefab Modules

Saturday 28 May 2011

A closer look at the "Module"

Feedback week 12 - Now that I've got a good grasp on the "form" of my building in project 2, my mission now is to look at the modules - what are they made of? What materials am I using? And how does it structurally work with rest of the building?

Another key point of issue is; how do they "transform" a space (open/closing of a space) to create a large exhibition space or a small exhibition space. Perhaps sliding walls? This is something I have to look at more closely.

Anyway. In response to Ryan's "sexy link" - I loved the exploded view of the module/container. This is definately something I want to explore with my modules in project 3. >>

Thursday 12 May 2011

Presentation feedback

How cool is this -- I'm actually posting on my blog via my iPhone... Sheesh! the things you can do on a mobile phone these day huh?!

Moving on! Tonight I was given the opportunity to present project 2 (as I was too sick to present last week) and overall it was a good presentation. Things I need to improve on though, is my verbal presentation skills -- the skill of "selling" my assignments. Also I need to further develop on the function of the building - especially the elevator/staircase system - "how does it work??" and how it functions in relation to it's connection with the cliff top entry. I was also asked to do diagrams of people movement through the building to further demonstrate the idea of an "interactive journey" through the building... other than that, good, positive feedback!

Anyway --- I shall carry on with work -- shall update soon with my new "improved" drawings.

Friday 6 May 2011

Project 2: Panel 1 : Finished Render

Thought I'd add this one again :P

Project 2: panel 11

Project 2: panel 10

Project 2: panel 9

Project 2: panel 8

Project 2: panel 7

Project 2: panel 6

Project 2: panel 5

Project 2: panel 4

Project 2: panel 3

Project 2: panel 2

Thursday 28 April 2011


-- Folie conceptual process -- "growth" -- organic form -- inspired by cliff face at HSW --

-- From Folie to Building form -- organic modular form -- inspiration --

Diagraming -- site context -- form relating to its site -- side view/profile --

Diagraming -- site context -- form relating to its site -- front view --