Thursday 12 May 2011

Presentation feedback

How cool is this -- I'm actually posting on my blog via my iPhone... Sheesh! the things you can do on a mobile phone these day huh?!

Moving on! Tonight I was given the opportunity to present project 2 (as I was too sick to present last week) and overall it was a good presentation. Things I need to improve on though, is my verbal presentation skills -- the skill of "selling" my assignments. Also I need to further develop on the function of the building - especially the elevator/staircase system - "how does it work??" and how it functions in relation to it's connection with the cliff top entry. I was also asked to do diagrams of people movement through the building to further demonstrate the idea of an "interactive journey" through the building... other than that, good, positive feedback!

Anyway --- I shall carry on with work -- shall update soon with my new "improved" drawings.

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