Wednesday 16 March 2011

How cool is this...

Yes, I know, I said I would come back tomorrow to upload some of my exciting conceptual drawings, but I couldn't help myself --- I had to post up another blog! So, I thought, why not post up some interesting architectural sculptures that I found helped inspire me with my Folie?? They may not have inspired my design as such, but they definitely inspired me to get into the 'creative design' mood!

First up is-- 'Unlimited Urban Woods' designed by DUS Architects --- Cool huh? Basically what we're looking at here is a box that only takes up a few square meters of ground space, and inside sits a forest that essentially goes on forever! The architects made the illusory forest from just a single full-size tree and some strategically angled mirrors -- simple maybe, but effective! It's amazing to think a small box can transport its users into a different world - a place of green tranquillity within an urban jungle?


I also came across some amazing timber buildings and sculptures designed by the 24 H-Architecture - a lot of their work is quite organic in its form.. Made out of timber they seem to somewhat blend with nature -- don't you think???

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