Wednesday 16 March 2011

Very First Blog Post!

So it's official-- this is my first Blog Post for DAB510. Right now, I'm very busy working on Project 1 (dun dun dun!) which is the Folie Design -- which unfortunately is due in only ONE week! That's right --- ONE WEEK! That's not long people! So for now, I will say 'Thank You' for visiting my page, and hopefully soon (probably tomorrow) I will upload some of my exciting conceptual drawings that I've done for my Folie Design (Yay!). Until then.... you can wait in eager anticipation!

Now here is the PROJECT BRIEF that will essentially underpin or 'guide' my design and limitations for the folie:

Project 1: Context and Experiences - Folie
The aim of this project is to design a Folie in a chosen location in Howard Smith Wharves. This project provides you an opportunity to observe the site, analyse the context, and propose a simple architectural installation that has a function. Your project should be an artistic investigation to find a way to communicate your message (subjective), as well as a design investigation to provide a service for people (objective). You can consider this as an artistic endeavour to design a functional space.
Folie Design Guideline
  1. Folie has to fit within 5m x 5m x 5m bounding box.
  2. Folie has to be at least for one person.
  3. Your design will be evaluated with design criteria listed below.
  4. You need to consider all design qualities described below.
  5. Your follie design should be communicated through one A1 poster by following the poster guideline below.
Design Criteria: Your design presentation is expected to satisfy following criteria.
Design Concept 
Strong narrative is evident to provide your own interpretation and description of folie design. It is very important that you have a story to tell about your design. Project statement, up to 300 words included in your poster, should help you to describe your concept but you should otherwise not rely on text to tell your story.
Site Context 
Folie demonstrate a good understanding of its immediate context and beyond. Your folie design is appropriate for the context among which it is built. The context should include its immediate environment as well as Howard Smith Wharves at large.
Design Tectonic 
Folie is designed with simple but creative use of structure and materials. The choice of structure and materials should be considered carefully and rigorously.
Design Function 
Folie provides a unique space for users to do something. Your folie should support a simple daily activity such as reading, resting or eating.
Design Experience 
Folie provides a unique possibility for users to experience Howard Smith Wharves. This is an extra layer to the function to induce specific sensations to people experiencing your space. The association has to be made to an aspect of Howard Smith Wharves.

Design Qualities: you need to communicate following aspects in your design.
  1. tension and/or compression
  2. heavy and/or light
  3. solid and/or void
  4. bright and/or dark
  5. natural/artificial
  6. soft/hard
  7. comfortable/disturbing
  8. choice of materials (Concrete, Steel, Timber, Stone, Glass + other modern materials)

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