Monday 28 March 2011

I made a physical model!

So -- I've decided to go with my concept of an organic form that somewhat blends and/or appears to 'grow' from the site. And I figured why not make a physical model of my design -- essentially, this will aid me in understanding the form, scale, interior/exterior of the design. Anyway, here is the model I designed...

Now, because I'm making a 'curvy' organic shaped form, I thought to start off by making a basic form out of wire...

... And then I covered that structure with a modelling compound otherwise known as "clay" --- not sure if it was the smartest choice of medium (I must admit --- it was messy!)

So here we are, I've finished the model -- and I have to say, I don't really like it -- So I decided to take that basic form even further! And I thought "perhaps I can make this appear more 'parasitic' in design" (something "eye-catching") -- to ACTIVATE a space you have to ATTRACT people to the space -- right?? .. So this is what I came up with...

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