Sunday 10 April 2011

Tutorial week 6

After sharing my idea for a building brief with the group. It was discussed the my building would be more suited as a science exhibition centre - as my folie was centred around the concept of the "individual expereince" and an "interactive journey" - we thought a building like this would definitely explore these elements.

Here is some examples interesting science centre's (some projects, some existing) I've come across that explore an "organic" "growth" in its form which I'm hoping to achieve.

Belgrade Science centre

National Science Center Dehli

Hamburg Science Centre (project) 

What I've noticed about most science centers (especially in the Hamburg science center above) is that they often revolve around the concept of the "interactive journey" the "transitioning" of one experience to the next experience (from one space to the next). This is a concept that I would like to develop further in my design.

User group:

 - Families and children

(Placing a science center on the site would definitely activate the site - drawing in families and hence creating a "family-safe" vision for the site of Howard Smith Wharves)

Given that the user group would be families and children, my mission is to design a space that draws in children, is interactive, fun and plays on the concept of a journey.

Function of the building is key. This will determine the overall "experiential journey" for the user.


  1. Good thinking Sarah, who is the mastermind behind suggesting science centre?

  2. ha... not you if that's what your implying? :P
