Saturday 2 April 2011

Wind, Noise, Movement Patterns

So, I've already formed a basic analysis of the site HSW (Howard Smith Wharves) for project 1 (posted earlier in the blog). But, for Project 2 I've decided to take that analysis even further by studying the Wind, Noise and Movement patterns -- facets in which could effect the design of my architectural installment.

Whilst I'm here, it is also beneficial to take the 'smell' of the site into the equation, as this plays a major factor in the overall experience of the site.
- Forest like aroma
- Smell of salt water
- smell of freshness in the air due to vegetation
Additionally, 'noise' levels of the site plays a dominant factor in the site experience.
- loud noise from story bridge above
- Birds
- People moving though site
- noise from passing boats (and city cats) on Brisbane River

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