Friday 1 April 2011


So the tutorials have begun! And for this semester I have chosen to enroll in the theme class of  'MODULES FOR THE CONSUMERS'. Looks like an interesting topic -- I can't wait to see what the semester brings!

During the Tutorial we were given a brief introduction into what exactly 'Modules for the consumers' meant. And essentially (from what I was told) modules for consumers comes from the theory of a "plug-in city" a city in which is "continuously changing". Another theory it was derived from was WASTE = FOOD (food for something), in other words architecture that can be broken down/re-used for something/someone else when its no longer needed.

-- It's an interesting topic -- Don' you think?? I should delve into it a bit more and put some research up!

Now, during the TUT we split into groups of 6 and in reference to our next project (project 2) we were to discuss the site (Howard Smith Wharves) and analyse what would be the


- Not re-connect the site to New Farm and the surrounding city - context
- Not consider the elements of the site (Cliff face - Heritage Buildings - Brisbane River - Story Bridge)
- Knocking down the heritage buildings (ignoring historical significance)
- Not creating multiple access points (without over-doing it)
- Not making the site a 'Node' point ( A 'destination' - a place of 'intersection')
- Placing aesthetically displeasing buildings on the site
- Not considering Q500 (flood levels)
- Building in Brisbane River and disrupting the river flow
- Not designing to, accommodate for/acknowledge, existing users of the site
- Not 'Activating' the space
- Not considering sustainability (recycle/re-use material, etc)
- Not designing architecture for the future

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